Prove your humanity

Sober October has arrived, and it can be spooky.  If you’re saying no to alcohol this month, this is the perfect time to connect with your higher self and understand your relationship with alcohol better.

Why do I drink?  This is a powerful statement to ask yourself this month. Take time to reflect on why you want to participate in Sober October. Write down your reasons and goals, whether they involve health, mindfulness, or a desire for change. When you feel like drinking, pause and reflect on what you’re feeling. Stress? Anxiety? Sadness? Boredom? Anger? Take time to sit with the emotion, journal to dive deeper, and engage in a mindful activity to help you decompress. 

If you feel overwhelmed by this process, that’s okay. Sometimes slowing down and diving deep into our emotions can be difficult. Do something you know helps to relax and calm your mind and body like talking to a friend or putting on your favorite show. Relaxation not helping? Get your body moving with a good run or some time at the gym.

The Poltergeist, zero proof cocktail from Hash Vegan Eats
The Scream Queen, zero proof cocktail from Hash Vegan Eats

If you want to go out and socialize sans alcohol, there are some incredible alcohol free options at many San Antonio bars and restaurants. Most spots have at least one dedicated NA cocktail on the menu. One of our favorite spots to sip on alcohol free cocktails this season (and every season)  is at local sober bar and vegan eatery, Hash Vegan Eats. Add CBD to help relax your mind and body.

Featured Hash seasonal drinks include the Scream Queen made with Seedlip citrus and garden, pomegranate, hibiscus, beet and raspberry. The Poltergeist combines spiritless bourbon, cold brew, matcha, chai, mint and palo santo.

Not drinking, even for a month, can be tough. Our world has alcohol readily available at most places and it is socially acceptable to drink anytime of day. It can even be socially expected. Practice showing yourself love and understanding if you find that not drinking has been a bigger challenge than you originally thought. It’s normal to notice the prevalence of alcohol more when you’re not drinking. 

Remember, Sober October is about progress, not perfection. A slip-up doesn’t define your journey—what matters is that you keep moving forward and learning from the experience.

As you move toward November, you’ll have gained a deeper understanding of yourself and your relationship with alcohol. This month is an opportunity for personal growth, and by the end of it, you’ll have a clearer sense of what works for you and how you want to continue nurturing your well-being.

If you need extra support this month or any month, Hash offers weekly recovery meetings every Wednesday at 7pm. This is a safe space to talk about your relationship with alcohol and find community. You are not alone.

Cheers to you and your Sober October journey.