I’ve driven down S. Flores many times, but typically in one direction. After voting, my partner and I decided to drive the alternate direction on S. Flores towards a colorfully painted mural on the side of a building which turned out to be Wong’s Bodega. How exciting it is to come across new local shops by surprise!

Wong’s, located at 1502 S Flores, focuses on local and plant-based items. A bright “Think Globally Act Locally @ Wong’s” sign greeted us upon entrance and I smiled. As someone who isn’t a fan of the bright lights + crowds at HEB, Wong’s was a pleasant change as I shopped for some local groceries.

My favorite find at Wong’s was this epic raw juice by local brand, Southwest Elixirs (next on my list to visit!). Their Sun Hands vegan juice was composed of carrot, pineapple, ginger, lemon, apple, turmeric + black pepper. So, so tasty.

If you reside near Southtown or find yourself in this part of town, swing by Wong’s and purchase some local goods to enjoy. Wong’s Bodega is open 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily and encourages you to bring your own bag.