When your thoughts seem to be on an infinite loop of todo lists, calm your mind naturally with CBD, the non-psychoactive chemical of the cannabis plant. Here are 9 awesome ways to incorporate CBD into your nightly routine. 🌙

1. Place CBD oil under your tongue for 10-15 seconds before swallowing. I’ve become quite fond of the CBD Distillery brand featured at Dab.
2. Give yourself a personal massage with CBD cream. Whenever I have any tension in my shoulders or neck, I slide into bed and give my upper body a massage and within minutes I am left feeling less tensed. I enjoy lotions with mint. Mmmm, so good.

3. Treat yourself to a tasty, CBD infused caramel from Flora and Fortitude. All of their caramels are created with all organic and ethically sourced ingredients, along with many local ingredients as well.
4. Light a candle and take a bath with a CBD infused bath bomb. You’ll feel as though your whole body has become new again.

5. Take a six-second Select CBD vape hit. Personally lovin’ the lavender vape which I’ve found at Dab and Alien Botanicals. If I have a meeting coming up that I am particularly stressed about, I’ll hit this baby beforehand to calm my nerves. ⠀
6. Slow down and enjoy a 40mg CBD lollipop from the Pharm House. I keep the infused lollipops in my bags for when anxiety is really taking over. For sour candy lovers, make sure to pick up some CBD infused peach rings from the Pharm House as well! ⠀

7. Light up an Emjayze Hemp joint in nature and breathe it all in.
8. Stop by Dab and pick up one of their amazing Pineapple Express or Lavender (LL Cool J) juices. This was one of my first and to this day all-time favorite CBD products.

9. Put the kettle on for your favorite tea and sweeten it up with CBD infused honey. The hemp honey I pick up from Alien Botanicals has a slight tinge of cannabis, but I personally love it!⠀⠀⠀⠀
How do you use CBD to unwind? ⇊ Let me know in the comments ⇊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀